Author Archives: Penny Blossom


Hello everyone,

Hope you are doing well and feeling refreshed after the weekend.

Vigilante - BiskuttinaI am very happy to share with you another one of my digital stamps which you can download for free from the freebies section here. ‘Vigilante’ is inspired by the TV series ‘Arrow’. So I dedicate it to all the Arrow fans out there πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I wanted to come up with a female version of this character! Enjoy this new stamp and I encourage you to be creative and use it in original ways as part of your cards and crafts πŸ™‚

I coloured the image with Prismacolor pencils but this time I didn’t use the odorless solvent. I just used the pencils on their own as I wanted a bolder effect to bring out the dark and nocturnal characteristics that surround the vigilante. If you have a look at the digi you might also notice that the face appears wider than the one in my coloured version (in reality it is not!). That is done on purpose to allow for heavy shadows around the face since the hood casts a lot of dark shadow so you would need to use dark colours sparingly in this area. For my coloured version I used the no-line technique which eliminates the dark outline around the image.

I hope you will enjoy it and please share it with your friends. I wish you all a very good week πŸ™‚


Christine x x x

When Time takes Wings

Hey Hey!

How are you? Hope you are all doing well.

Today I am happy to be sharing with you another whimsical character from the Biskuttina range. How many times have we wished to possess the power to extend certain moments forever?! When we are having fun, enjoying our loved ones, or experiencing something beautiful time just flies!

PennyBlossom - Time Flies When I'm With YouWhile I was sketching the image for this stamp I was listening to the mesmerizing voice of Josh Groban. I think his voice is so well-suited to interpret prince charming characters and main roles in musicals!! It has a particular sound and quality to it which I find amazing. I particularly love his cover version of the song Γ’β‚¬ΛœFor AlwaysÒ€ℒ which you can listen to here. It was part of the inspiration for this concept I was thinking about.

I think subconsciously I included the butterflies as a reminder of Spring which is something I wish for a lot at the momentÒ€¦.the sun, the beautiful flowers, the enchanting colours, birds chirpingÒ€¦.all these elements make this season the best time of the year and by now I am sort of fed up of Winter and looking forward to a bit of changeÒ€¦so Spring I welcome you with open arms!

I hope you like the image. You can find it in my shop here.

Here I coloured it for reference using Prismacolor pencils together with an odorless solvent. Someday IÒ€ℒll be writing a little bit about Prismacolor pencils which have become a treasured possession in my studio πŸ™‚

I leave you by wishing you many moments where time just flies!!


Christine x x x

Mixed media video

Hey people,

Hope you are all doing well!

Mixed Media - Choose to move forwardToday I’ve got something different for you! I’ve got a video showing a mixed media painting in progress where I used the ‘So Sorry’ image from the new range.

As part of my studies I have to reflect on my creative process as an artist and I thought of this small project to help me situate my thoughts and reflections. It is a very interesting experience to stop and reflect on how you work and it has been an enriching opportunity for me. So then I thought to share it with you as well πŸ™‚ I hope that it will inspire you to try out something new πŸ™‚

I hope you like it πŸ™‚ Feel free to contact me should you have any questions or feedback.

Wishing you all a good and positive week πŸ™‚


Christine x x x

Thank you!

Hey there,

I want to say a big thanks for all your greetings and comments on the new Biskuttina range of digistamps. I enjoyed reading each and every comment!! Thanks a lot for your feedback πŸ™‚ It means a lot to have all this caring support.

So Sorry!I present to you another character from this new range!! It is called ‘So Sorry‘ which you can find in the shop here. Sorry – one of the hardest and most powerful words in our vocabulary. I really hope that during this coming new year we would find it a bit easier to use it and say it to the people we love and care about.

On a lighter note, at this time of year, we might like to dedicate this drawing (and its message) to ourselves to mark the epic moment when we step on the bathroom scale to get a reality check . . . ‘So Sorry‘ for not saying no to all those goodies πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ If this is the case you’re certainly not alone πŸ™‚ We’ll get back on track as soon as our cupboards are emptied of all the good stuff πŸ™‚

Wishing you all a happy New Year and may you be blessed with health, peace, love and happiness!


Christine x x x

Christmas greetings

Dear all,

I hope you are well and in good health! πŸ™‚

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I really wish you have an enjoyable festive season, including good times with family and friends and opportunities to make a difference in other people’s lives.

A Little GiftI want to thank you for your support during the past year! You are such a great bunch! Penny Blossom’s first birthday is coming up in January and to celebrate this I am launching a new line of digistamps called ‘Biskuttina’ (pronounced Bis-coot-tina). I am happy to present to you the first two digis. The first one, called ‘Kissable’, is my Christmas gift to you. You can download it from the freebies page! Enjoy πŸ™‚

The other digistamp (‘A Little Gift’) is inspired from the beautiful, yet sad story of ‘The Little Match Girl‘. You can find it in the shop here. Sometimes in life you meet amazing people who are ready to give you a lot from the little they have! It is amazing how many big hearts are out there! And we can all learn from these people. We can all make a difference even if small! So many lives can be improved by sharing our ‘Little Gifts’.

I hope you enjoy these drawings πŸ™‚ Feel free to send me your feedback. Here I used the no-line technique which I really love because it gives a particular whimsical look to digis and I also feel that coloured images become more of a complete artwork. I coloured the characters with Prismacolor pencils together with an odourless solvent.

I wish you all the very best and may you have a peaceful Christmas!!

Hugs and warm wishes,

Christine x x x

Zombie Bride

Hey everyone!!

Hope you are having a good week.

This week another great challenge is up and running! I invite you to visit and take part in their latest challenge. I am amazed and impressed with the beautiful work of the DT girls! A big well done!! πŸ™‚ As an artist it is so amazing to see how others will interpret your work. All of you give the images a personal element and it is lovely to see so many variations πŸ™‚

Zombie Bride - Penny BlossomAs promised this is my Halloween gift to all of you for being a very kind and inspiring community. Here is ‘Zombie Bride’ which you can download here πŸ™‚ Hope you like it. This particular image can give a dramatic effect if you use paper piecing and have the character stand against a dark background….it will give it a more spooky and dark look πŸ™‚ would love to see how you’ll use it… so enjoy πŸ™‚

Take care and big hugs,

Christine x x x

Just Inspirational Challenge!

Hello lovelies!!

A big hug to all of you πŸ™‚ I’ve been away for some time and I truly missed you!!

For me the end of Summer is the busiest time of year! I’ve had deadlines related to my studies and in fact this took me on a study trip to the beautiful UK πŸ™‚ Well I won’t complain about that! πŸ™‚ I was also busy catching up on some art work as well, so this summer’s journey was varied and creative to say the least! πŸ™‚ I hope you had a lovely summer and that now you’re all geared up for the new Autumn/Winter routines πŸ™‚

I’d like you to visit a lovely challenge which I’m sponsoring at The cards of the DT are all amazing …….. girls super well done πŸ™‚ I’m really impressed…. and I also love this week’s challenge!! It is like a mini game with so many possibilities πŸ™‚

Just InspirationalI’ll be in touch again later this week with a Halloween gift to all of you πŸ™‚ …. so make sure you stay tuned πŸ™‚

Big hugs,

Christine x x x

Blog Hop :)

Hey lovely people! πŸ™‚

Just wanted to remind you that Penny Blossom is one of the sponsors of a brilliant blog hop at It will run throughout the month of August, the birthday month of this blog πŸ™‚ A big happy birthday from the heart πŸ™‚

penny-buttonI’m really impressed with all the creative ideas of the design team! Such a talented lot πŸ™‚ Well done girls πŸ™‚

So do take a look and if you decide to take part I wish you the best of luck πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

By the way, I’ve got something exciting lined up for you brilliant crafters πŸ™‚ I will give you more info in the weeks to come! For the curious ones I’ll give you a bit of a hidden hint πŸ˜‰ ll…ma…ng… πŸ™‚


Christine x x x

One small gelato please! :)

Hi there!

Hope you are all well!

Here we are trying to cope with the sweltering heat! It is nice if you’re on holiday but when you have to work, study and do the daily chores it becomes unbearable!! On a positive note beaches are a matter of minutes away so a quick swim can become an item on the to-do list!! πŸ™‚

More so, an ice-cream a day keeps the heat away, if only for a short while! I love ice-cream πŸ™‚ my favourite is chocolate and vanilla soft ice-cream with strawberry sauce and nuts!! I like to try out unusual flavours as well! The weirdest I came across was Popcorn flavour! Well I wasn’t courageous enough to try it out. . .I had a coconut and white chocolate mix instead πŸ™‚

SummerGelato_600And since ice-cream is my favourite dessert for summer I will be giving out this freebie to thank you all for your support πŸ™‚ You can download it here and please pass the word to your friends! Just enjoy it and hope you can use it in a fun summer card or craft. Hope you like it πŸ™‚

Wishing you a lovely day!


Christine x x x

Challenge Sponsor

Hey friends,

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Just a quick post to let you know that Penny Blossom is sponsoring a great challenge at A big well done to all the members of Team B for coming up with their amazing creations πŸ™‚

headder spotSo just click on the link, take part in this challenge and enjoy πŸ™‚

Take care and hugs,

Christine x x x