Tag Archives: Spring

When Time takes Wings

Hey Hey!

How are you? Hope you are all doing well.

Today I am happy to be sharing with you another whimsical character from the Biskuttina range. How many times have we wished to possess the power to extend certain moments forever?! When we are having fun, enjoying our loved ones, or experiencing something beautiful time just flies!

PennyBlossom - Time Flies When I'm With YouWhile I was sketching the image for this stamp I was listening to the mesmerizing voice of Josh Groban. I think his voice is so well-suited to interpret prince charming characters and main roles in musicals!! It has a particular sound and quality to it which I find amazing. I particularly love his cover version of the song ‘For Always’ which you can listen to here. It was part of the inspiration for this concept I was thinking about.

I think subconsciously I included the butterflies as a reminder of Spring which is something I wish for a lot at the moment….the sun, the beautiful flowers, the enchanting colours, birds chirping….all these elements make this season the best time of the year and by now I am sort of fed up of Winter and looking forward to a bit of change…so Spring I welcome you with open arms!

I hope you like the image. You can find it in my shop here.

Here I coloured it for reference using Prismacolor pencils together with an odorless solvent. Someday I’ll be writing a little bit about Prismacolor pencils which have become a treasured possession in my studio 🙂

I leave you by wishing you many moments where time just flies!!


Christine x x x